Saturday, July 26, 2008

Kephra Invaded SD world?

Whoaa!? Was it true that Kephra did invaded the world of Supreme Destiny?
Eeeeeeennk! Wrong, with the combined forces of the Supreme Warriors Kephra wasn't able to invade the peaceful world of Supreme Destiny, yup that's right Kephra was fully wounded his wings were scratched, legs were broken his blood was spilled all over Snow Field and in the Desert of Noatun. There are also rumors that while Kephra was being attacked, Ancient items were being dropped by him, Silver bricks, Sure Fates, Surprise Boxes and also Fairies scattered all over the place. And with what had happened to Kephra he will surely come back once again to take revenge of his defeat.

The Gods of Armia would like to extend their thanks to the brave and skilled warriors who endure the vile Kephra.


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